Started in 1997 by partners Geoff Haines and Paul Singleton to provide Hawaii with a locally produced supply of Butter Lettuce, Pacific Produce has expanded into a highly productive producer of a range of lettuces and leafy greens.
Our operation utilizes the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and with 88,000 plants growing year round, the farm produces up to 4500 lbs. per week of specialty lettuces. Harvesting 3 times a week insures fresh product availability.
Utilizing quality enhancing harvesting and packaging innovations, our company supplies Hawaii consumers through both retail outlets and restaurants. Pre-rinsed, field packaged product reduces handling damage and insures a clean and fresh product. All products are vacuum cooled before delivery.
Our mission has always been to provide consistency and quality products while conserving land and water resources. Nutrient management techniques maximize the quality and nutrient content of our products.